Some news and a little story
A lot has been going on. Most important thing that has happened, if you don't already know:
I'm excited, humbled, greatful, anxious.. just very happy to know that I'm going to have a year of learning from an institution of great tradition. Actually, everyone from Cal State who went through exams made it into the Accademia, which was a first since the Cal State Florence program was founded. We did a lot of celebrating. :)
In other exciting news, I have regained access to my Flickr account (after much sweat, blood and tears.. and a simple email to Flickr Support...) Also, by the kindness of my friend, Nick G, I was gifted a Flickr Pro account, which really just means more pictures for all of you. Thanks, Nick. It was a thoughtful thing to do..
I'm currently working on a huge batch of pictures to upload for all of you (I've had a few requests for more..) but I have little free time to work on it. The next three weeks are going to be busy, as I am planning a lot of activities between now and then, "then" being when the semester offically starts. This week, I have a small cooking class Wednesday, maybe going to a fair in the suburb of Florence on Thursday, the opera "Barber of Seville" on Friday, and I just started planning a trip today for the world-famous chocolate festival in Perugia on Saturday. (phew!) Next week, CSU has finals, I have a very small paper due, and then Friday, after my written final in the morning, I hop a train to Milan with my two roommates, Sincere and Courtney. We will stay there through the weekend and on Monday, we are taking a plane to London to stay there 5 nights before returning through Milan that Saturday. Like I said... it is going to be a busy 3 weeks. I'll try to get pictures up before stuff really starts happening, because after this month, I'm going to have even *more* pictures to post. haha... life just doesn't stop around here.
Okay, I need to go, but those pictures are coming soon. To close up this post, I'll leave you with a little story about my Saturday adventure. Enjoy!
Toward the end of the day, as we walked through the down-pour to the bus stop, on the side of a road with no sidewalk, up-hill, as cars are whizzing by, we begin to long for the bus. It was fun day, but really, we are ready for it to be over. We get to the bus stop, read the sign, and realize that earlier we misunderstood the bus schedule. There was no bus coming just then at 645. Instead, it was coming at 920 that evening. To add to the problem, there was a major accident on the autostrada and traffic was completely stopped. So now, there was a possibility the bus might not even come.
Sincere, Courtney, Malen, Becca, Damien, me, and Terri on the side of the road... not really sure what is going to happen next...
So, to make the best of a bad situation, we decide to stick it out and have dinner to pass the time. We ate a lot, and continued to order small courses to keep the table as long as possible. With our bellies full, we walk back to the bus stop and maintain our post at 845 (just incase the bus is early). The air is now decidedly colder, our feet are still wet and there is little-to-no light on this dreary road side. So we wait. And wait. And wait... and receed into the depths of tired delirium to which we had already entered during dinner. Things become very funny that really aren't and we slowly lost all hope of a returning bus...
I'm excited, humbled, greatful, anxious.. just very happy to know that I'm going to have a year of learning from an institution of great tradition. Actually, everyone from Cal State who went through exams made it into the Accademia, which was a first since the Cal State Florence program was founded. We did a lot of celebrating. :)
In other exciting news, I have regained access to my Flickr account (after much sweat, blood and tears.. and a simple email to Flickr Support...) Also, by the kindness of my friend, Nick G, I was gifted a Flickr Pro account, which really just means more pictures for all of you. Thanks, Nick. It was a thoughtful thing to do..
I'm currently working on a huge batch of pictures to upload for all of you (I've had a few requests for more..) but I have little free time to work on it. The next three weeks are going to be busy, as I am planning a lot of activities between now and then, "then" being when the semester offically starts. This week, I have a small cooking class Wednesday, maybe going to a fair in the suburb of Florence on Thursday, the opera "Barber of Seville" on Friday, and I just started planning a trip today for the world-famous chocolate festival in Perugia on Saturday. (phew!) Next week, CSU has finals, I have a very small paper due, and then Friday, after my written final in the morning, I hop a train to Milan with my two roommates, Sincere and Courtney. We will stay there through the weekend and on Monday, we are taking a plane to London to stay there 5 nights before returning through Milan that Saturday. Like I said... it is going to be a busy 3 weeks. I'll try to get pictures up before stuff really starts happening, because after this month, I'm going to have even *more* pictures to post. haha... life just doesn't stop around here.
Okay, I need to go, but those pictures are coming soon. To close up this post, I'll leave you with a little story about my Saturday adventure. Enjoy!
"The Debacle"
This weekend I had quite an adventure with a group of my friends here. We thought we would be so American and go out for some good, old fashioned outlet shopping in a town near by to Florence. Little did we realize that we would be unable to purchase anything, since this outlet is full of Puma, Prada, Gucci and other designer labels. So we found ourselves content with looking (not touching!) at all the pretty things and drinking cappucino during the incredibly rainy weather.Toward the end of the day, as we walked through the down-pour to the bus stop, on the side of a road with no sidewalk, up-hill, as cars are whizzing by, we begin to long for the bus. It was fun day, but really, we are ready for it to be over. We get to the bus stop, read the sign, and realize that earlier we misunderstood the bus schedule. There was no bus coming just then at 645. Instead, it was coming at 920 that evening. To add to the problem, there was a major accident on the autostrada and traffic was completely stopped. So now, there was a possibility the bus might not even come.

If we worked this out, so far, mathmatically
(don't check my figures, I'm an art student for a reason...),
then we would get:
(7 tired International Students x 1 long rainy day (12 hours)
+ 14 cold, wet feet)
divided by 7 good senses of humor - 1 SETA bus =
the following video, documenting our complete pandemonium
(don't check my figures, I'm an art student for a reason...),
then we would get:
(7 tired International Students x 1 long rainy day (12 hours)
+ 14 cold, wet feet)
divided by 7 good senses of humor - 1 SETA bus =
the following video, documenting our complete pandemonium