Location: Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Thursday, August 03, 2006

So, the day I leave is getting closer. I'm getting kinda nervous. A little sad. Sort of excited. Just kinda feeling it out as it hits me....

I went through the travel channel this week and hit record for anything that said Italy on it. Watching the shows that depict Italy as a great place to go helps me keep my focus on what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I know I want to go, but these jitters could make me believe differently.

Mostly I'm just taking in all that I can while I'm here. On Saturday, Jen, Harry and I are going to the Wild Animal Park, so that will give me another opportunity to hang out with them before I leave. Veronica wants to have bonfire and some people from church are planning a potluck. I don't think I will ever feel like I've had enough "hang out time" with anyone before I go. How do you stock up on something like that? You don't. You just enjoy it while it's here, I guess.

My passport still hasn't been returned to me yet. That makes me slightly more than anxious. Also, I havn't heard anything about the "corsi singoli" visa I applied for with the consulate. I'd really rather just recieve these things in the mail already - I don't want to have this to worry about on top of everything else.

Dad is going to help me figure out this site a little better so I can keep everyone informed of my travels while I'm gone. I guess I'm just posting now to get a little of the anxiety out. That, and to get used to posting here regularly.

Today: I'll work on cleaning up my room and organizing the junk.


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